Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tables Are Filling Up Fast!

The tables for Handmade Culture are booking up fast! There are just a few 8ft tables left, while there are a number of 4ft table slots available. If you are interested in joining us, please fill out the application and return it to the address provided.

We have a good variety of crafters this year, some returning from last year, but some new talent as well.
Some of the participants include:

Hearttree - felt brooches, bookmarks, calendars
Neck & Neck - unique handknit / crochet scarves and fiber art
My Wiccan Garden - charms, jewellery, candles and more
Marthe Jocelyn - her award winning books, toys and pouches
Marenger Pottery - bowls, vases, plates, cups and more
Saucie by Danica & BK - lingerie, sleepwear and accessories